Does praying cleanse all your actions? I have seen elders justify their obnoxious behaviour (abusing, wishing bad for someone, provoking others) in the name of bhakti. What truly defines a connection with God if one does not learn and improve their actions and continues to wreck havoc for others?
Uttara Ashadha, Knowledge of the Cosmos
ViΕvadeva (ΰ€΅ΰ€Ώΰ€Άΰ₯ΰ€΅ΰ€¦ΰ₯ΰ€΅).β[adjective] all-divine; [masculine] [plural] the All-gods (cf. viΕva). Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Cappeller Sanskrit-English Dictionary The Uttara Ashadha native comes to this world to learn what the world has to offer. To that end, the native is inclined towards strict definitions, towards labels, and towards learning about the world in full, especially spiritually. What is…
Manasa and Ashlesha
The Deity of Ashlesha is not one deity, but rather, the entirety of the Naga race. The Nagas are a mythological snake race (not to be confused with Naga Hills, and the people from that area). In Vedic mythology, this race plays an important role, they are often devotees of the gods, and play important…
Bharani, the Foundation of Spirituality
The Yoga Sutras, as written by Maharishi Patanjali, are a very universal guide to success of all kinds. Without discipline, without the correct bodily understanding required for your work, and without being absorbed in what you do, it is impossible to gain success in the field. So, the question ends up being, what really makes…
How to Read a Kundli
So, as mentioned, there are 4 major types of charts used in vedic astrology! We’ll just get into how to read each one, one by one. But, before that, I’ll have to explain the major components of a chart. Major Components of a Chart North Indian Style Diamond Chart When reading a North Indian style…
How to Draw up a Kundli Online
When it comes to drawing up a kundli, you have many options. A vedic chart is essentially the exact same thing as a western chart, even if it may not look like it! It is just that the presentation is different. There are 4 major formats for a kundli. There is the North Indian Diamond…