The Yoga Sutras, as written by Maharishi Patanjali, are a very universal guide to success of all kinds. Without discipline, without the correct bodily understanding required for your work, and without being absorbed in what you do, it is impossible to gain success in the field. So, the question ends up being, what really makes this a spiritual guide, rather than a guide to success.
Many will tell you that it is the meditative part of yoga that makes it spiritual. Dharana, Dhyan, and Samadhi. However, these three can be achieved even while folding clothes, or by being extremely absorbed into your work. That, too, is spiritual, but it is the very first limb of yoga, Yama, that differentiates the spiritual practitioners from the material practitioners.
People often ask, why are people succeeding in the material world when they have no sense of ethics. The answer is simple, it is because they master the 7 limbs of yoga. All, except the first.
Bharani nakshatra is about learning to settle down in a new world, learning that the world is interdependent upon each other, learning that there are finite resources for which to fight for. How do you succeed, in a world where people far more powerful than you will beat you to the ground to get what is yours? This is a nakshatra where the pain of society is felt. Casual violence, done without thinking, in selfishness, and the native can become collateral damage of casual selfishness. This is where the learn about the injustice in society.
From here on out, they have two options, which is, either they succumb to the casual cruelty in society, and become casually cruel people, or they turn to their deity, the god who is meant to guide them in this life. Yamaraja, or Dharmaraja is the Lord of Death, and his names translate to Lord of Ethics, and Lord of Duty, respectively. This is the god who punishes mortals for their sins after death, and he is known to be particularly harsh.
Going back to the previous point, the earthly greats who master all but Yama, are never going to escape death, and they will never escape punishment. The importance of following and respecting Yama, is about making sure that your accomplishments belong to you, and to nobody else. The spiritual greats will attain samadhi, or kaivalya, or freedom from death, while the earthly greats will not.
Are you truly disciplined, do you follow Niyama, or do you have people who do for you what should be your job? Are you truly absorbed by the work you do, or have you deluded yourself into thinking that your work is not a distraction from your duties? When you temporarily take and use the energy that rightfully belongs to other people, as you inevitably do when you lack ethics, these people will soon catch up to you. Death makes everyone equal, and Bharani Nakshatra is there to ensure that.
Bharani Nakshatra, sitting in Aries, is a violent nakshatra. This was the nakshatra of Karl Marx, and it is the nakshatra where lack of ethics is punished. This nakshatra has a choice, either to be the one that will be punished by death, or to live a life of justice, so that they can attain immortality. This nakshatra is about ensuring that there is a society that is peaceful, and where all people are free to express their individuality. It is willing to use violence on the people that disrupt the rights of other people.
This willingness to fight for their beliefs is extremely important. It is how we, as a society, learn to be better people, and, on a personal level, it is how we, as spiritual practitioners, attain true spirituality, and vibhutis (supernatural powers) that are not stolen from others.
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